Frequently people have to deal with difficult calls or people in emotionally aroused states (angry, upset, tearful etc) as part of their day to day job, and although they may have received training on the procedures to follow in such instances, often they have had no training in the soft skills needed to handle distress. Niamh provides this training. Her talent is in the soft skills area; training people how to respond, how to manage themselves in such situations, and how to recover after a difficult call or incident. Training may involve assertiveness techniques, active listening, communication skills, building awareness, learning how to approach difficult conversations, dealing with stress, etc.
Niamh has run many such trainings in various settings including UCD, UL, IRFU, VHI, among others.
AIM: to equip participants with coping skills & effective communication skills to handle stressful calls & difficult (emotional) face to face situations
Sample Content:
- Introductions, expectations & aims for the day
- Mindfulness exercise, to become present
- Effective Communication Skills
• Understanding different Communication Behaviours & Styles
• Assertiveness training
• Active Listening skills & growing Awareness - Tips for dealing effectively with a stressful situation
• Pressing the PAUSE button (Respond, not React)
• Taking time
• Explore in more detail with caller/student
• Being aware of your own state & your impact on other person
• Tone
• Responding with empathy
• Self-protection visualisation - Role Plays