Here are some of my tips for when you get your free results:
- Your top strengths are your key, signature strengths
- They’re at the top because you value them and probably use them everyday
- The ones at the bottom of the list are still strengths – not weaknesses! This test does not measure weaknesses.
- They’re at the bottom of your list because you use them less or they’re less important to you in everyday life.
- Getting your team to do this free survey is a great way to learn about their strengths and what is important to them.
- Practice identifying strengths in others and grow your strengths focus!
- Develop your positive leadership skills (or positive parenting skills) by becoming familiar with the strengths and acknowledging them in yourself and others.
- Try to identify 5 positives (strengths) for every negative you find yourself noticing. This helps create and maintain harmony in a relationship, and means that any negative feedback you have to give will be easier to accept because that person will be secure that you notice their good regularly.
- When you are facing a challenge, look at your strengths and decide which one or two you could apply to help you. You will feel more resilient and grow your strength!
- Workers who use four or more of their signature strengths at work have more positive work experiences and report their work is a calling in their life.