Resources G2

Looking After The Leaders Members Area

You will find each new month’s content and resources here.

Month 1:  Healthy Habits

In October our theme was Healthy Habits – how are you getting on with yours?

Below you can find a copy of the slide notes from the day we spent together, aswell as a Recording guiding you through the 5 Senses exercise, to help you bring moments of calm to your day – anytime, anywhere.

If you think something is missing, or you’d like to see something else included, please just let me know 🙂



Video: The happy secret to better work

– Shawn Acor


Month 2:  Positive emotions

In November our theme was Positive Emotions – read back through the Notes to remind yourself of all we covered. What are you taking from this month to make a difference to you? How are you integrating this?


Positive Emotions Month 2 Mindworks


This month we delved into Core Values, Flow and Strengths, as well as a practical introduction to Mindfulness. Take a look at the slides to recap from the day, and as ever, be sure to choose what you are going to integrate and put into practice. Create an action in your calendar! And check-in with your Accountability partner. 


Month 3 Engagement Mindworks

Month 4:  Relationships

In Month 4 our theme is Relationships. Remember your Piggy Bank to maintain harmony (5 deposits for every withdrawal)! You’ll find slides from the day here, and we also watched Robert Waldinger’s TED talk.


Relationships - Month 4 Lookin g After The Leaders

Month 5:  Meaning

This month we worked on Communication and Assertiveness before looking at Meaning & Purpose.

We revisited Strengths and Values to tie them in with Meaning, bringing together several pieces today that we have worked on in previous months. 


Month 6:  Accomplishments

This is a fitting theme for our last day of the program. It is so important to take time to look back at all that you have achieved, all the good that has happened, all the growth and learnings you have taken from the past 6 months. Today we also take time to look ahead and set your mind on track for what you want to happen. 

Just a reminder (if you haven’t already) to submit your ‘Letter to Self’ to Niamh so that it can be posted to you in a few months. And do remember your appreciations too, read them whenever you need a boost. 


Why thinking can be bad for your health webinar