Niamh brings together her 20 years of experience working with individuals and groups, with her passion for Positive Psychology, to create transformational training and coaching for leaders in organizations.
Most leaders are appointed because of their technical expertise or their years of experience on the job. And while some may be given training in management, communication, budgeting, and compliance, they’re almost never taught how people’s minds work and how to bring out their best. While leaders might have direct control over the day-to-day responsibilities of those who report directly to them, they also have a major impact on the group’s collective emotional condition and wellbeing, which in turn affects performance and employee engagement. There is a growing body of research which suggests employees with higher levels of wellbeing are more engaged, more productive, sell more, have happier customers, make better leaders and are less likely to burn out at the office. If you would like to improve wellbeing, reach potential, and increase awareness and emotional intelligence in your organization (and who can afford not to?), contact Niamh today.
“The role of the leader is to make strengths productive…
One cannot build on weaknesses.
To achieve results, one has to use all the available strengths.
These strengths are the true opportunities”
Peter F. Drucker (management consultant, educator, author)
Read about ‘The Impact of Positive Leadership’ by Tom Rath here.