Looking after the leaders program
Empowering Leaders,
So Teams Can Thrive
Is business resilience and growth at the forefront of your strategy this year? If so, it’s time to look after the leaders.
Leaders have a huge impact and influence on well-being in the workplace. During the constant change and challenges as we emerge from a global pandemic, leaders have had a greater responsibility than ever to look after the wellbeing of employees, many working remotely for the first time. But how can you ensure that they are leading from the front?
The Insight
A 2020 ADP Research Institute study on Workplace Resilience found that people’s personal level of resilience in the workplace is closely related to their immediate team leader and their organization’s senior leaders.
Another 2020 study, from The Well-Being Lab at George Mason University, found that Wellness benefits alone cannot meaningfully change the health of employees. Specifically, the study found that leadership and culture have an incredible impact on wellbeing in the workplace.
From these and many other research studies, we know that leadership is the key to resilience and sustainable growth in business; that is why I developed Looking After the Leaders.
The Opportunity
This is a 6-month transformational program, designed to support your leaders in their wellbeing, to build resilience and emotional intelligence; so that leaders can empower their teams to thrive.
“I feel healthier, stronger and have regained some resilience… I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Niamh’s Looking After the Leaders programme”
Katy, HR
Program content
This whole program has been set up to meet a need that is huge at this point in time – to support leaders in their own wellbeing so that they are in a better position to support, inspire and guide their teams to do the same, and uplift the whole company.
Stress management, building resilience and self-care are all components of developing emotional intelligence and physical performance so I will be drawing on my 21+ years of knowledge and experience as a Psychologist to empower a deeper understanding of all of these topics and bring them into practical application for your leaders in their work and in life.
Built based on Seligman’s Resilience & Wellbeing PERMA model, the building blocks for resilience and growth, and incorporating Mindfulness and evidence-based psychological approaches, each month will have a theme as follows:
Embracing Healthy Habits
Discover how to kickstart healthy habits that you can stick to so you can get the results you’ve always wanted and improve energy, wellbeing and performance.
Increasing Positive Emotions
Uncover the Truth about emotions and their impact on performance and the ability to improve engagement in the workplace, whilst also gaining a proven toolkit for building resilience which can be drawn on during challenging times.
Unlock your core values and strengths to uncover your inner drive, excel at what you do (and help others to too!) and easily stay motivated and engaged.
Learn the secret to lasting inner confidence and banish the inner critic for good, as well as a simple strategy to identify where you and your team get caught in stress, and how to progress past those patterns.
Gain a sense of clarity about your life and your work, move deeper into your purpose and feel more connected to yourself and to what’s really important to you.
Build lasting confidence by recognizing your accomplishments, identifying your limiting beliefs and break through your ceiling to achieve more than ever before!
In Addition,
Participants Will:
Build a roadmap to increase capacity to manage stress effectively, stay well and perform through challenging times.
Learn how to practice Mindfulness without needing extra time out of your busy day, to gain peace of mind and sharpen focus.
Understand emotions and what activates them, adopting a positive solution- focused mentality which will result in compassionate and focused leadership.
Feel more confident in your ability to communicate clearly and effectively to benefit everyone in the workplace.
Learn about positive leadership and ways to create better moods, energy and work performance.
“This was the best decision I made in 2020… a must for any leaders out there struggling in any way”
– Ciara, Manager
“To say this has made a massive difference in my life would be an understatement.”
– Sarah, head of HR
The Benefits
Reduce stress & boost wellbeing.
Boost work performance, motivation & productivity.
Re-connect with who you really are and what’s important to you, bring meaning and passion back into your life.
Grow resilience & stress tolerance to feel stronger and cope better in challenging situations.
Build self-awareness and emotional intelligence – key skills required of top leaders today.
Create more quality time for yourself and for your family.
Communicate more effectively and clearly.
Grow in confidence & feel better in your own skin.
Value yourself and improve your worth as a leader.
Not only will you be building your own reservoir of personal resilience and development, but everything you learn can be applied immediately in the workplace to benefit both you and your teams.
Looking after the leaders program
What People
Are Saying
As a person, I have grown. Since commencing with Niamh, I have given myself permission to look after myself, to take the time to ground myself and to give myself time to breathe.
As a leader I have also grown. Niamh and the programme gave me tools that allowed me to grow as a leader, balance my personal and professional life and in doing so gave me confidence in myself, and supported me in going for a promotion and ultimately getting that promotion.
The coaching groups are very supportive and enabling… As a result of this course I recognise signs of burnout in staff and ensured that the staff use the resources available to fill their own tanks.
100% yes I would recommend this course and have recommended this course to other managers
I’ve just completed (LATL) with Niamh in my workplace and I found it to be excellent. It’s difficult to take time out from our busy schedules but this program was time well spent. It involved a lot of self-reflection, of identifying my values and strengths and aligning these to the type of leader I want to be to achieve equilibrium in my professional life. The program encourages healthy habits and a focus on well-being and I have continued to practice these daily habits which have really benefited me during stressful periods in both my work and home life. I would highly recommend anyone in a leadership role to take part in this program.
“Thank you so much – I don’t know what I would have done without this course, through the particularly difficult lockdown that we’ve had this year. I was quite low on self-care starting this course and it’s taught me so much about filling my tank and the mindfulness practice….
Over the last 6 months I have developed tools and habits that will stay with me and now feel grounded in my own strengths and values. It has been a very worthwhile investment in myself that I would highly recommend.“
The Details
Sessions are run one morning (9.15am-1pm) per month, remotely, on dates arranged to suit your organization. Groups are deliberately kept at a small group size and are highly interactive. They are semi-structured, including the sharing of content, daily theme, lots of time for discussion, reflection and practice. We will focus on applied learning and growth experience.
Online access to a private members-only area to access all the resources to support your learning journey. This learning platform is available on an App or on your browser.
Your opportunity to stay accountable, push on with your goals, make progress, ask questions and get support along the way! This is a safe closed group (no public access).
Free selection of Guided Meditations to keep your head clear, calm and focused so that you can be at your best even through times of disruption.
Certificate of Attendance (Personal & Professional Development Certificate), received when you complete the program.
* Emotional Intelligence EQi2.0 assessment, leadership report + 2hr 1to1 feedback session
* Further 1to1 Coaching
The Investment
Please contact Niamh to discuss the investment for an in-house program.
Private companies in the Republic of Ireland may be eligible for funding of 25-30% (just ask!).
Please note that the 6-month set-up detailed above can be designed differently to suit the particular needs of your organization.
Niamh Hannan is a Chartered Psychologist with the Psychological Society of Ireland, with over 21 years of experience in the field. Niamh has a special interest in Positive Psychology (including Certification in Emotional Intelligence) and Mindfulness. She is also a Professional Coach (ICF) (Accredited to ACC level).
She has spoken at a variety of large events and has worked with 100s of companies and organizations, including Uni Stuttgart, UCD, Virgin Media, Allianz, Cognizant (Facebook & YouTube accounts), RCPI, Irish Stock Exchange, Gore Mutual Insurance (Canada), KPMG, Accenture, law firms, various Government Departments, among others.
“In my work as a coach and as a facilitator, I have seen firsthand the struggles people face in leadership today. I cannot just sit back and watch people work themselves into illness and exhaustion.”
I feel strongly that leaders need additional support to what is available for employees. A team can thrive or alternatively, not survive, depending on their leader. Engagement levels, wellbeing, mood, performance, the effectiveness of the team – all are affected by the leader’s state. How can we expect our workforce to feel supported during stressful times, how can we keep performance high and keep spirits high, how can we lead teams who thrive, if we don’t look after our leaders?
Niamh Hannan, Chartered Psychologist, Coach & Trainer,
53 Redford Park, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, A63 CF83, Ireland.
M: +353 87 997 5226 E: [email protected]
“Looking after our leaders is my passion and I am looking forward to helping you develop personally and professionally to become a more fulfilled and effective leader.”